Anotaciones Spring MVC – Controller @Controller Annotation to indicate that the class is a controller class. @RestController A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @Controller and @ResponseBody. Used in controllers that will behave as RESTful resources. @RequestMapping Annotation to be used on methods in @RestController classes. You can provide an URI to be served as RESTful service. @ModelAttribute Annotation used to bind values […]
Java (chuleta) (redirec GKB)
Tipos de datos boolean Puede contener los valores true o false.byte Enteros. Tamaño 8-bits. Valores entre -128 y 127.short Enteros. Tamaño 16-bits. Entre -32768 y Enteros. Tamaño 32-bits. Entre -2147483648 y 2147483647.long Enteros. Tamaño 64-bits. Entre -9223372036854775808 y 9223372036854775807.float Números en coma flotante. Tamaño 32-bits.double Números en coma flotante. Tamaño 64-bits.char Caracteres. Tamaño 16-bits. […]